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CRO and DXI strategies to drive business growth

Optimisation Strategist

Optimisation Strategist

Providing a positive digital experience is crucial for retaining customers and driving conversions.

This article highlights the importance of combining Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and Digital Experience Intelligence (DXI), to elevate user experiences and increase conversion rates. ​​​​​​​

Having a good digital experience is non-negotiable.

An excellent first impression extends beyond job interviews, first dates or meetings with the in-laws; it also applies to consumers’ interactions with your website, app or product. 

Providing a smooth, seamless digital experience is essential to retaining customers, with 65% of consumers stating they would be likely to abandon their transaction if they encounter problems during their digital experience and 55% of respondents believing they are unlikely to return to a company after a bad digital experience (FullStory’s recent survey). 

A positive user experience can make all the difference when attracting and retaining customers; a website with poor loading screens or unclear navigation will quickly frustrate users, leading them to leave and purchase elsewhere.

Firstly, let’s understand what CRO and DXI are.

CRO: Optimising a website or digital platform to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, through user data analysis and A/B testing to see improvements. 

DXI: Captures quantitative and qualitative digital experience data in one place and integrates with the rest of your stack to give you a full picture of your digital experience.

How CRO & DXI can ensure the best possible digital experience

Combining CRO and DXI can help businesses in several ways. By leveraging the insights gained from DXI, businesses can identify areas of their website or digital platform that need improvement to enhance the user experience and increase conversions. This data can inform CRO efforts, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions and implement changes that improve conversion rates.

For instance, using DXI, a business may identify that a particular page on its website has a high bounce rate or low conversion rate. With this information, they can conduct A/B testing to determine which design or messaging changes will yield the best results, improving the page's performance and overall conversion rate. These changes can be tested and optimised further using DXI insights to ensure continued success.

“Customer expectations are higher than ever, and consumers have told us that they aren’t likely to give brands a second chance when they fall short,” said Andrew Fairbank, VP EMEA, for FullStory. “It’s crucial that companies leverage actual digital experience data to understand exactly what customers are experiencing – where they’re having issues, and where they’re succeeding.”


"Having a website that is optimised for your users is the foundation to online success. By providing a seamless and enjoyable experience, you’ll be much more likely to keep visitors coming back."

Maximise Conversion Rates with Digital Experience Intelligence

Conversion rate optimisation is crucial for any business to achieve long-term online growth. Optimising the conversion rate can increase revenue per visitor, attract more customers, and help businesses understand which marketing channels and campaigns drive the most conversions. Companies can reduce waste and maximise their return on investment by making data-driven decisions.

Digital Experience Intelligence plays a vital role in achieving successful conversion rate optimisation. By combining quantitative and qualitative data, businesses can gain insight into what works and is not within their website or digital platform. Analytics can help determine customers' wants and needs, enabling companies to optimise website design, layout, and messaging to suit their target audience better. Overall, leveraging Digital Experience Intelligence can provide valuable insights that lead to improved website performance and greater customer satisfaction.

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