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Exploring Google's newest campaign types

PPC Strategist

PPC Strategist
Mairead, Rawnet's PPC strategist, has been a driving force behind successful campaigns for esteemed clients like Hornby and Cambium. Since joining the agency in 2012 as a junior PPC strategist, she has consistently elevated her role, becoming an indispensable asset to the marketing team. Mairead, armed with a keen analytical mind, crafts innovative strategies to maximise ROI for clients, ensuring their digital presence stands out. Her proficiency spans platforms like Google and Microsoft Ads, leveraging her expertise to optimise campaigns and drive targeted traffic.

Google has introduced two new campaign types: Video Views and Demand Generation.

These campaigns cater to different marketing objectives, with Video Views designed to maximise brand exposure, while Demand Generation focuses on acquiring quality leads for B2B and B2C businesses.

Google continues to innovate its advertising platform with the introduction of two new campaign types: Video Views and Demand Generation. These campaigns offer distinct features and cater to different marketing objectives. In this article, we will delve into both of these campaigns, shedding light on their functionalities and assessing their value for businesses.

Video Views Campaign: Boosting Brand Exposure

  • The Video Views campaign is designed to maximise video views, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking to enhance their brand exposure. This campaign stands out by leveraging all video ad formats available, including in-stream, in-feed, and short ads. By simplifying the setup process and offering a comprehensive range of video options, Google aims to assist advertisers in achieving their video marketing goals.

Demand Generation Campaign: Acquiring Quality Leads for B2B and B2C

  • The Demand Generation campaign is specifically tailored for businesses targeting B2B and B2C audiences, primarily focusing on lead acquisition. Building upon the success of Performance Max campaigns, this campaign type employs various ad formats, such as YouTube Shorts, in-stream, in-feed, discovery, and Gmail placements. Using artificial intelligence, Google optimises campaign performance to reach and engage audience segments effectively, referred to as seed lists.

Assessing Value: CPCs, Budget Allocation, and Campaign Effectiveness

When contemplating these new campaign types, one key aspect is the potential impact on cost per click (CPC). While Google's newest initiatives may entail higher CPCs, evaluating whether the benefits they offer outweigh the associated costs is important. Considering rising CPCs in line with inflation, businesses must weigh the value of achieving video views or acquiring leads against their allocated budget. Additionally, Google's track record of campaign improvements suggests that these new types may outperform their predecessors, reinforcing their potential value for advertisers.

Businesses should carefully align their marketing objectives and budgetary considerations to determine whether these new campaigns are worth the investment. Evaluating the relevance of video views or lead generation to specific business goals is crucial. Understanding the impact on overall marketing strategies and the potential return on investment (ROI) will help make an informed decision about adopting these new campaign types.


Google's introduction of Video Views and Demand Generation campaigns expands advertisers' options and empowers them to achieve their marketing goals more effectively. By considering factors such as CPCs, budget allocation, campaign effectiveness, and alignment with business objectives, advertisers can assess the value and worthiness of these new campaign types. Embracing these innovations may prove beneficial in leveraging Google's cutting-edge advertising capabilities and driving success in the dynamic digital landscape.

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